Saturday, February 16, 2008

Word worth

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

It may be true:
but as one who appreciates words I find that I faintly resent the statement.
I think the resentment is a reaction to the internal certainty that the thing to which I largely devote my intelligence is ultimately inadequate.
the big things in life are beyond words. or to use the jargon I am increasingly fond of,
unable to be encapsulated in verbal interaction.
it makes me mad:
>: (

Somehow, it's just not the same.
And yet...
I think we should change the saying to this.
"An ellipsis is worth a thousand words."
because it really is.

1 comment:

Susan V said...

if that's true than I leave tens of thousands of words unsaid every time I type.

And honestly, a picture without a story is like an animal in a cage - full of potential and beauty, but caged. The words unlock the cage and put it back in its natural surroundings.

Besides, sometimes words are all you have. And sometimes they're enough. Like for this dude…