Thursday, September 09, 2010


I had a conversation with my little brother last night that led me to go back and read all--yes all-- of my posts here since the inception of this chronicle some five years ago.

Reading it was embarrassing. I said some stupid stuff. This medium of communication is such a strange one--if I wanted to, I could go back and cover it all up. delete it, or change what I said then to better suit what I feel now, or how I desire to be perceived. I'm not going to do that--but there's nothing stopping me. I could take them down, then, the sidebar reminders of past pomposity or clumsiness.

But it's good for me to remember where I've been. Good to see what I've come from. Good to remember some of those highs and lows. And, barring everything else, it's a perspective check, for if I'm ever so foolish as to think I've arrived anywhere.

1 comment:

Susan V said...

I read this and wished for a "like" button.