Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Cold feet

Because it is 63 degrees out right now. Which is relatively cold--relatively, for the weather we had during October, which was nice but could have reasonably dropped another 15 degrees or so. I cannot express how badly I want Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

This is attributable to several factors:
1. missing the fam
2. academic apathy (my poor students. my poor professors.)
3. disliking Oklahoma.

It's not exactly Oklahoma's fault, understand. It's just that our relationship has grown stale. Six years is long enough. Now if I only knew where to go next...

All in due time. But for now, Dean Martin, Boyz II Men, and my Shakespeare paper are all beckoning me to rejoin them. I will think snowy thoughts and produce brilliant prose about Desdemona.

1 comment:

Carissa said...

You can always come here, family and a new place to explore! ;)