Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I think Paul said something about this too...

Today was warm. I studied outside between Towers and would have actually been hot had it not been for the incessant, and today very welcome, Tulsa breeze.

I want to talk about some things that have been hitting sort of close to home lately, considering the season. I put a little of it on my xanga, but I feel a bit freer to go off here.
Valentine's Day was yesterday. It was my first Valentine's Day ever. Back home we never celebrated it. Most of the single girls on the floor got together and went out to eat, and then a couple of us went to Ashlea's and worshipped for a while. Alexie and Micah shared; it was great. Jesus was my valentine.
I have been hearing so many people refer to Valentine's Day as "Singles Awareness Day." And while I, being single, understand where it comes from, I am also getting sick to death of everybody disrespecting the gift of singleness. The mere fact that people have to have a significant other to feel that they're worth something proves their unreadiness to be in a relationship. I know because I struggle with it. And until self-worth is derived from God and not other people, romantic relationships are pretty much doomed-- or else they're much harder to maintain.
I don't want to step on people's toes here, because I sat alone on the night of the thirteenth, studying in the fishbowl, complaining to God about how alone I was, about how I wanted a boyfriend. I know those desires are right and good and God intended for us to have them and all that, but it wasn't about that. It pretty much boiled down to selfishness. I wanted a boyfriend to love me and make me feel good about myself. And when I tell the flesh and the devil to shut up and I listen to my Papa, I know very well that a boyfriend would make me more miserable than anything else right now. Sometimes, though, I don't listen very well, and I start talking to God about how alone I am.
Are you catching the irony of that statement? Telling my Creator, who is in my heart and all around me, that I am alone, when the mere fact that I can tell Him that negates my lament. I am ridiculous.
And so are a lot of people around here. For a lot of us, I suspect that selfiushness is the root of our depression this time of year.
None of us who walk with God are ever alone. Every day is Valentine's Day with Him. We don't need to wait for one set date before we get a romantic geture from our Maker. He sent me a couple today, unsolicited.
And it's way better than a rose or a heart-shaped balloon or box of chocolates.
By the way, if God has called us to be single (horrified gasp) forever...keep in mind, people, that this earth is not forever. This is transient. Temporal. Easy for me to say, I know, but "He giveth more grace." I'm in love with Him, with or without my someone.
Happy Valentine's Day. You are never alone. Sheesh.


Unknown said...


Megan said...

One of these days I'm going to meet you. We will gang up on Kara.

FzxGkJssFrk said...

Well said.