Friday, February 03, 2006

"I'll cast the shimmy out of her"

Note the title of this post, friends, and know: Kara dances suggestively in elevators.

I'm trying to decide whether or not I'll post something I wrote on here. It's kinda heavy, and I don't know if I particularly want to share

MY ARTICLE WAS PUBLISHED in the Oracle. It's the first time I've ever been published. An odd sensation. Giddy excitement mingled with faint, sneering boredom and a small measure of dread. Of course the article was tweaked. Peter added in the stuff about PRob's meeting. He also inserted the word sacrosanct. Which is an awesome word.

This is a pointless entry-- I really just wanted to inform you all of Kara's scandalousity.


Hilary said...

We knew Kara was a dirty geisha already. But thanks for adding more evidence to the existing mountain.

Unknown said...

Where'd my comment go!?