Friday, December 23, 2005

I like titling my posts randomly so that most of the time the title has nothing to do with the subject matter.

I have not gotten enough sleep of late. This will be a posting of questions that occur to me when I am sleep-deprived.

1. How do they get those straws that come with milkshakes to turn colors when you suck through them?

2. How do swirly seashells get those pointy arms on them?

3. Why isn't "phonetic" spelled the way it sounds?

4. Who would really eat a pine cone?

5. How did NASA find out about the Van Allen radiation belts?

6. What is the etymology of "etymology"?

7. What was I thinking?

8. What did the asteroid belt used to be?

9. How is one born awkward? Is there a gene for that or something?

There are only nine. I think there were more...I wish I could at least stretch it to ten...but I can't. My family and some church people are caroling in my neighborhood tonight. Should be cold.

oh. I thought of a tenth one. How does Relient K come up with their lyrics? Cuz they're really cool...


Hilary said...

I like Relient K.

I really think we should meet sometime. I don't handle cyber relationships or distance relationships well at all.

I know! We'll come see Kara at the ORU prison camp sometime!

Unknown said...

Because of the Phonecians. They sailed boats.
Law and Order is a terrible show. Just thought I'd let you know.

kimi said...

you know...i dont know all the answers to life and the universe. but i can answer three of yours right now.
#4: me
#10: they call me up. sometimes i even give them fashion tips.
and #1: yes.

Hilary said...

Hilary's Answers to Colleen's Questions:
1. They're bashful straws. They always blush when kissed.
2. I'm pretty sure they're just punk rockers.
3. Because the world is a miserable place with alot of evil people who exist merely to make life harder on you. (Think'll understand.)
4. Kimi
5. They had a vision.
6. Now, a linguist wanna-be I feel that I should really answer that one. Besides, as a nerd, I looked it up anyway. From 'etymos', Gr., meaning "true", and 'logia', which of course means word or study. Thus we see etymology's true and literal meaning from its source means "the study of the true and literal meaning of a word from its source". Whew.
7. Probably about food or sleep. That's what I usually think about.
8. An asteroid cow. Duh.
9. Yes, there is an awkwardness gene. Just like there is a gay gene and a racist gene. A mutual friend of Kara's and mine discovered the rascist gene while observing my behaviors.
10. I really like Relient K.
Now I'm tired.

FzxGkJssFrk said...

I'll check up on the Van Allen radiation belts for you...