Monday, October 22, 2007


Junior year is going to be short. It has been short. It will continue to have been being short. I noticed as life goes on it is ever-increasingly diminutive.
I need to get a job, but I have no time for that.
My likes and dislikes have changed radically over the past two years. A lot of things have changed over the past two years.

National Novel Writer's Month is a scant week and a half away. I'll be trying my hand at the 50,000 words-in-thirty-days challenge...and I'll probably not get any homework done.

Someone gave me an umbrella today, which made up for the iron quitting on me halfway through my skirt. I released my scarves from their trunk-seclusion. I helped my roommate assemble a bookshelf and listened to her struggles in figuring out her new Amazing Coffeemaker.
I don't drink coffee. But my room will be a popular place, probably.

According to my degree plan sheets, I ought to be able to finish my double major in four years.
I watched Hamlet for the first time today (the one with Mel Gibson, Zeffirelli's production) and thought I could identify with him, to a very small extent.

The Ancient Mayans thought people with crosseyes were beautiful. They dangled pendants off of their infants' foreheads to force the trait. That's so weird-- and now we vacuum fat out of our arses and shoot it into our foreheads.
I think some of the Mayans shook their heads and said, "hey, guys, this is actually a ridiculous standard of beauty." If they did then maybe there's hope for us too.

1 comment:

rayahss said...

can i dangle a pendant from your baby's head? please? i want to put a towel holder around my baby's neck... and watch him grow up til he can't get his neck out any more. isn't that awful? :sigh: oh, the things i want to do for experimentation's sake. jason nixes them all.
but i could fool around with your kids, no?