Thursday, July 29, 2010

Roadtrip Season

Means making mix cds and doing laundry and arguing with my roommates about various Google maps suggestions (you can't, according to them, bike to Dublin. We're not going to Dublin, but in case you are...) and re-affixing my rearview mirror (which came off again, after I epoxy'd it back on a scant month ago) and purchasing candy in boxes and trying to remember how I did my hair that one time so I don't forget any of the products needed to recreate the magic and packing and trying to remember things like my phone charger and the wedding gift and my contacts case and underwear.
and I love it oh so much.
The current mix cd trend is decidedly danceable-summer tunes, with a heavy emphasis on my days with Souls A'Fire. The cd is of course named according to my Souls nickname: Affirmative Action.

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