Monday, August 02, 2010

Summer's almost gone.
I speak not of summer, the season as defined by Earth's axial juxtapositioning with the Sun, but rather of the superimposed artificial strictures of education's demands. The school year, for me, begins in a scant few weeks, and the Things I Need To Do for the year are yet undone. I have postponed doing them, not through sheer Laziness, but rather through Not Knowing How. But now, as it often happens, they must be done, somehow, whether I think I can or not. And so, I will commence doing them...tomorrow. today was a long ten-or-so hours in the car on the way back from Minnesota.
And a wonderful drive it was, too, though I learned a valuable lesson: ridiculous Justin Timberlake music can only be truly appreciated in the proper mixes of companions. Today was a more respectable, less ridiculous Nickel Creek drive. Which is just as well.

Wedding #4, the final wedding of July, is now crossed off my imaginary calendar. The bride at this wedding is Greek Orthodox, and it was fascinating to get to observe their tradition. Added to this was the benefit of sitting with an old family friend and church member at the reception, and having one of those rare conversations with him about our traditions and faiths.

O weddings! more of you loom on my horizon, and though I love you, I welcome the break from the every-weekend schedule I've been keeping.

I'm wiped out from driving all day. To bed I go.

P.S. If you heard anything strange Saturday, or noticed it getting kind of chilly around the Underworld, it was probably just Hell freezing over--I now have unlimited texting. Kuh-razy.

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