Sunday, August 29, 2010

the dishwasher hums incessant

and it makes my head spin a little. It's full of the dishes we used last night: five of us consuming stir-fry and rice and then pear tart and ice cream and for whatever reason those meals produce dishes like you would not believe.

Also we played Risk: I won.

And now one half of the sink is gurgling up used rinse-water from the dishwasher and chugging it back down again, like sudsy cud, and suddenly the sound has cut out and my right ear rings with the silence of it.
Not long. The air conditioning has replaced it.

I am curious about silence. Even without the air on, my computer emits noise, and my fingers clack on keys and my neighbors walk up and down and my building creaks and cars drive by...
Perfect stillness? Not something I'd ever achieve.

Back to work. I need to accomplish a Million Things. Schedules and papers and presentations o my! And o, I am feeling the lure of a non-school existence. Silence, siren! I must needs do what is before me.

(also, lookie there, this is my bloggiest year ever. who'd've thought?)

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