Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last Hurrah?

I changed the layout here. I like this. We'll see how long it lasts...

I intended to be so productive this week-- I NEED to be so productive this week-- but three old friends are in town and I NEED to catch up with all of them, and the Perseid meteor shower is about to hit and I NEED to watch that at least a little, and-- and-- AND--

Enough excuses. What I must get done, I will get done. I'm apprehensive still about teaching this semester, but I know that it will work out. I'll do my best. I hope my students will do theirs. (and the copout in the back of my mind comfortingly murmurs that even if I don't, and they don't, this is it. my last year in school. my last hurrah.)

(That's actually not comforting at all.)

Anyway, I have about four different lists started: reading lists, lists of handouts I'll eventually make, lists of workshops I want to focus on, lists of exercises for class I just need to make all of these lists happen. Which I will. In between stargazing and friend-seeing and putting everything back in the cabinets of my apartment since the maintenance people have to spray for cockroaches. yuck.

Tomorrow I will get so much accomplished! Right?

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