Monday, August 16, 2010

El Amanecer

As far as I know (a short distance indeed) I am beginning my last first week of school.
TU gives free lunch during orientation week. Lasagna! Also, I discovered that I could leave right after lunch today. Leaving early!

I am excited about Life right now. The future, as pertains to me, inscrutable as ever, is today shiny and appealing. I don't know what's in it, but I know it will be Good.

I drank a 32 oz. QT drink quite quickly. now I have to get up and pee every fifteen minutes or so. Diet Coke!

The world, as I approach it, looks more and more different from the shadowy place my timid eyes once assumed it to be. Better; also, worse.

There was no mail today in the box. My kitchen smells of soup and whipped cream. I do not like my oven. (It does not work as it should.)

I am working on: Not fearing people, not believing in my own entitlement, and keeping my room neat. Based on my track records, all three have an even chance of failure. But! Grace, I find, has little-to-nothing to do with Track Records. They don't even speak to one another at parties.

Well, well, well.

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